Marketing and Advertising

Հետազոտական աշխատանքիս թեման է «Մարքեթինգը և գովազդը»: Թեմայիս ընտրությունը կապված է ապագա մասնագիտական ընտրությանս հետ՝ մարկետոլոգ, ինչը աշխատանքի ընթացքը դարձրել է շատ ավելի հետաքրքիր և հաճելի ինձ համար:
Աշխատել եմ խուսափել շատ բարդ մասնագիտական թեմաներից և տերմիններից, և գրել ավելի շատ մարկետինգի այն կողմի մասին, որը կա բոլորիս առօրյայում և ծանոթ է բոլորիս, աշխատանքը բոլորի համար հասանելի և հետաքրքիր դարձնելու նպատակով:
Ներկայացրել եմ ընդհանուր մարկետինգի և նրա տեսակների մասին, գովազգների առհասարակ և իմ առանձնացրած հետաքրքիր գովազդների մասնիս, մարկետոլոգների օգտագործած հոգեբանական հնարքների և մանուպուլիացիաների մասին, գովազդներում և ոչ միայն, և այլն…

Research Work

Review: Marketing and Advertising

Գրախոս՝ Անի Հարությունյան
Արևիկ Արզումանյանն իր «Մարկեթինգ և գովազդ» հետազոտական աշխատանքում ներկայացնում է գիտահեն ու ճշգրիտ ինֆորմացիա այս առավել քան արդիական ոլորտի մասին, ինչին առնչվում ենք կյանքի տարատեսակ բնագավառներում։ 

Աշխատանքը բաղկացած է ներածությունից, հինգ գլուխներից եւ եզրակացությունից՝ ներառելով թեմային վերաբերող բոլոր մանրուքները։ Կարևոր չէ ՝ինչ տեսակի ապրանքի հետ գործ ունենք, առաջնային է մրցակցային շուկայում կայուն դիրք ունենալու և պահպանելու համար ճիշտ ռազմավարություն մշակելը։ Մարկեթինգին զուգահեռ պիտի աշխատի թիրախային գովազդը, որը նաև տպավորիչ ու մտապատկերում արագ տպվող պետք է լինի։ Այդպիսի օրինակ է «KitKat» շոկոլադե սալիկի գովազդը՝ նստարանի տեսքով։

Հոգեբանությունը ևս խթանիչ գործոն է մարդկանց մանիպուլացնելու և գիտակցությունը կառավարելու համար , բոլորս էլ գիտակցաբար, թե անգիտակցաբար տրվում ենք դրան։

Յուրաքանչյուր ապրանք ներակայացնելիս կարևոր է թիրախային լսարանի ճիշտ ընտրությունը։ Օրինակ գրիչ վաճառելու համար պետք է հասկանալ ՝ ինչ գործառույթներ է այն իրականացնում , և ըստ այդմ ընտրել լսարան։

Հետազոտական աշխատանքը գրելիս վերլուծական համապատասխան գործիքների գործածումը հնարավորություն է ընձեռել հեղինակին ստանալ ամբողջական , մանրակրկիտ ու գիտահեն նյութ։

Conclusion: We all deal with marketing on a daily basis

Marketing and advertising occupy a large part of our daily lives. And with this research work, I tried my best to write about everything that we all deal with in our daily life. We all come across ads everywhere and in everything, and it’s no secret that advertising is a huge part of marketing. Many people very often fall victim to deceptive advertisements, or come across a good advertisement and acquire a good product or service, and it is important to know the nuances that marketers use to create advertisements. It is interesting to know how advertisements manipulate us, whether consciously or unconsciously. In this research work, I tried to write about everything that will be understandable and interesting to everyone. Since this topic is directly related to my future profession, this research work turned out to be very useful for me, and I hope I managed to present my chosen topic in an interesting and accessible way, for not only me, but for others also. Thank you for reading.

«Sell Me This Pen»: How To Answer This Interview Question

When you attend an interview for a sales-related job, it is common for a hiring manager to inquire, «Sell me this pen.» Your reply to this inquiry is crucial as it allows the hiring manager to evaluate your sales abilities and tactics, irrespective of the level of the position you are seeking. Mastering the art of responding to this question can enhance your chances of employment and set you apart from other applicants. This article delves into strategies for effectively answering «Sell me this pen» during a sales interview, along with sample responses for your consideration.

Why interviewers say «sell me this pen»

Interviewers could say something like «sell me this pen» to learn how well you gather, respond to and deliver information about a product. They also assess how well you can conclude your provided pitch with a persuasive statement. A hiring manager can use your response to determine how you may perform in a sales-related position if they were to offer you a position with the hiring organization.

Tips for answering “Sell me this pen”

Here are a few helpful tips to create a thoughtful response to this interview question:

  • Be positive. When you’re answering this interview question, show the interviewer that you can manage open-ended interview questions. Maintain an enthusiastic attitude and accept an interviewer’s follow-up questions and banter to show you can remain calm in different scenarios.
  • Ask direct questions. Asking the interviewer questions about their experience with pens or how they use them in their daily lives can help you gain ideas on how to proceed with the sales pitch.
  • Relate the pen to a larger concept or idea. By relating the pen and its importance to a larger concept or life event, you can expand upon its obvious benefits as a writing tool and highlight increased value to your audience.
  • Relate the pen to the interviewer’s specific needs. Once you’ve had the opportunity to ask the interviewer about their experience using pens, you can start directing the pitch toward their specific needs. Consider their job responsibilities or personal lives when creating your response.
  • Close by asking them to purchase the pen. An important part of a sales pitch can be trying to close the pitch with a new customer. Try to incorporate it into the end of your pitch naturally with a positive statement that makes them want to close the purchase.

3 example answers to «Sell me this pen»

Review three example answers to the interview prompt «Sell me this pen»:

Example 1

Here’s an example answer from a candidate who poses a problem that relates to presentation delivery:«From my conversation with the other hiring manager during my previous interview stage, you’re a sales manager who conducts a lot of meetings with their employees. The other hiring manager tells me that you’re an animated, energetic individual who uses a lot of gestures and points to the slides on the presentation when you’re delivering information. When you’re delivering these presentations, you may want to have a reliable pointer. Using a wooden pencil or a cheap-looking pen could work, but you might not be able to convey your points as creatively.Instead, you may want this pen I’m selling here. It has a sleek, stylish body and a laser on the end of it that you can use to direct your audience to the points you want to emphasize. This pen can help you be more memorable to your employees, and you can plan on always having a reliable writing utensil.»

Example 2

Here’s an example answer from a candidate who presents a situation that relates to a personal benefit of owning a pen:«At first glance, this pen is simply a writing utensil. After further consideration, it’s also a tool that we can use to leave impactful messages for the people closest to us in our lives. Tell me, when was the last time you used a pen in your personal life? To sign a holiday card, you say? That’s a very kind gesture. With our modern technologies, handwritten sentiments are becoming less popular. If you don’t mind me asking, for whom did you sign the holiday card? For your daughter and your grandchildren, you say?Think about what it would mean to send them a typed holiday card. Using a computer program would remove the sentiment. Handwriting is something unique to each individual, and by taking the time to write your holiday wishes, you’re giving your family a gift they can cherish forever. I still have a birthday card that my grandmother gave me when I was 10. She’s since passed, but I feel a connection to her whenever I see her handwritten message. You never want to be without a device to convey these emotional messages, so let’s make this sale happen.

Example 3

Consider this example answer from a candidate who introduces a problem that relates to productivity:«Before I became a salesperson, I was a college student who took notes during all the lectures I attended. During the first couple of weeks of classes, I took all my notes on my tablet. After some reflection, I discovered that I was spending way too much time typing everything the professor had to say while trying to make the notes look presentable on my notes application. I didn’t retain much of what my professors were saying, which resulted in poor grades on my first couple of university exams.I switched to taking notes with paper and pen, and I noticed drastic improvements in my productivity, retention and focus. From our conversation early, I know that you host several meetings throughout the work week. I want you to be able to provide your employees with pens so they can take effective notes while maintaining their focus on what you have to say. I don’t want you to have to deal with a bunch of employees who reflect the behavior that I had in my early college days, so let’s discuss making a bulk sale.»

Interesting Psychological Tricks in Marketing

Psychology is a very important factor in marketing. And marketers very cleverly use some techniques to influence people subconsciously. And we all fall victim to this, including me, you, all of us. Here are some examples of such tricks that we deal with every day.

1. Many of you have seen that the prices of products in restaurants, shops, cafes are, for example, 5999… I’m sure many people are wondering why this is so. Of course, there is a psychological explanation for all this. The left-digit bias.
Left Digit Bias is a phenomenon where people place more emphasis on the leftmost digit of a product’s price. This means that people may overestimate the difference between $4.00 and $2.99 compared to $4.01 and $3.00 due to the larger contrast between the leftmost digits of the first set of numbers.

2. Did you know that marketers can manipulate you using scents? In fact, smell has a very strong effect, it can subconsciously create pleasant associations. All this in marketing is called «Scent marketing».
Scent marketing is a type of sensory marketing targeting a shopper’s sense of smell. It involves diffusing strategically chosen scents at different locations in your store. The goal is to create a memorable, pleasant shopping experience and increase sales.
Retail spaces have plenty to consider when creating the right atmosphere to suit the products they’re selling. Location, decor, employee uniforms, lighting, art, temperature, music, and, increasingly, smell all combine to create an immersive brand experience.

3. Have you ever seen an ad that says, “This item costs 30,000, but if you buy it before the 25th of the month, you will save 5,000”? Pay attention to this phrase, you will save. Indeed, there are people who are willing to spend 25,000 to save 5,000. But if you don’t buy at all, you can save 25,000)))

4. Another interesting psychological trick that almost always works, FOMO(Fear of missing out).
FOMO marketing uses psychology to tap into consumers’ emotional responses and triggers, making them want to act quickly to avoid missing out on an opportunity. FOMO marketing capitalizes on this powerful emotion, encouraging engagement, conversions, and sales by creating a sense of urgency, scarcity, and exclusivity.
Examples of this in everyday life, when everyone starts watching and talking about some new series, others think that they missed something and also start watching this series…

5. Usually, when a person finds out that many people are using a particular product or service, they also want to buy it.
An experiment was conducted: a sign was installed in one of the parks asking people not to steal stones from the park, because others have already stolen the stones and this has affected the park. After this sign, the number of thefts doubled. And in the second case, people were simply asked not to steal stones from the park, and people listened.
In the first case, people were shown what others had done, and they simply copied others behavior.
This means that if we want people to buy our product or service, we need to show them that others are doing it too.

How marketing manipulates us

How do marketers manipulate consumers?
It’s a marketer’s job to make us buy a product or a service. And in marketing, like in love and war, all is fair. In order to influence our shopping decisions, marketers have developed some widespread techniques that sometimes involve a little bit of manipulation or subtle subliminal messages that convince you to buy the product (more straightforward people tend to call it “brainwashing”). What are the most common manipulation techniques used in advertising and marketing?

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Advertising: Interesting and Creative Advertisements

Advertising is a very important part of marketing and almost everything depends on advertising. With good advertising you can do good marketing. Advertisements promote products, services, or campaigns through written or visual messages. Businesses can pay the owner of a channel or platform that reaches a similar audience to broadcast these messages. The ultimate goal is to inform and persuade customers or potential customers to take action, such as making a purchase.

Here are some creative and interesting advertisements.

Читать далее «Advertising: Interesting and Creative Advertisements»

Types of marketing

All businesses must find effective ways to differentiate themselves in a highly competitive marketplace. Regardless of whether you engage in online product sales, operate a local establishment, or manage a B2B enterprise, it is crucial to identify suitable marketing strategies that will expand your customer base, increase brand recognition, and ultimately drive sales to enhance revenue.

Читать далее «Types of marketing»

Introduction: Marketing and Advertising

The topic of the research work is «Marketing and Advertising». Such a choice is related to my future profession (this time the last one haha). It will also be useful for people who are planning to open their own business, because without good marketing it is impossible to have a successful business, the topic is very relevant now. I believe that the topic itself will be of interest to people who are not related to that field in general, because everyone deals with marketing in everyday life, for example, buying some goods, becoming a victim of marketing, sometimes being deceived… Knowledge about such a field will definitely not be superfluous for anyone.
I will try my best to make this work as accessible to the reader as possible.

What is Marketing
Marketing is the activity or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising. In simple words, this is the ability to sell a product or service with benefits for both the business and the target audience

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